Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day this year! I feel truly blessed to have my two beautiful daughters and a loving husband. My hubby and girls surprised me with a new camera for Mother's Day. Photography has been a passion of mine that I have dabbled with here and there for the past several years. My Nikon D70 DSLR had been broken for a while so it was such a delight to receive the new Nikon D5000 that was delivered to me in bed to unwrap! I have so much to learn about my new camera and photography in general but love to play around with the camera.
After a family BBQ we ended the day with a drive, a stop at Starbucks for coffee and headed down to Owen Beach for a family walk so that I could play with my camera. I couldn't have asked for a better day than a day spent just enjoying time with the ones I love most!

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