Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Tony and his Dad went to Westport on a charter fishing the Saturday before Father's day. Tony left the house in the wee hour of 2:30 am and returned home about 8pm that evening. He had a great time with his dad and they both brought home king salmon for the freezer! The girls and I missed him while he was gone on Saturday but we were able to decorate the house with a Super Dad themed banner and balloons for his return. We spent Sunday relaxing at home since the weather was crummy and Tony had such a long day fishing the day before. The girls helped make coffee and a great breakfast for Tony that morning.

Tony and his dad

It has been nearly five years this next month since my dad passed. I miss him dearly, I think of him often and wish I could wrap my arms around him just once more. I can hardly believe that in the past five years Kyla has grown so much and Lilly has entered our family. How I wish he could have seen and experienced this with us. I look at my brother and I see so much of a resemblance of my dad. It is heart piercing, comforting and wonderful! Happy Father's Day to you! I miss you... I love you!

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