On Thursday after getting Kyla off for the day Lilly and I headed to
Hello Cupcake to meet up with the Trent girls. Coffee and mocha cupcakes for the mommies and cupcakes and milk for the kiddos! Perfect way to start a day!

Lilly enjoyed a vanilla cupcake, chocolate frosting with a specific request for a blue candy flower

Emory's selection was a vanilla cupcake, chocolate frosting with a pink flower

and Makenna chose a chocolate cupcake (smart girl!) with vanilla frosting.

Lilly and I took Emory (Lilly's BFF) back to our house for a playdate

My little Lilly is a lover of many things.. most notably high heels! While she loves to sport her own "play heels" her very favorite pair of heels to wear are mommies leopard print high heels. She has worn them more than mommy could ever imagine wearing them and has really claimed them as her own! She tromps around the house daily in them!

I just had to show you a close up for the appreciation factor!

My two lovely little ladies that make my world a little crazy at times... but amazing!